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Helping icare put customers at the centre of the Nominal Insurer Improvement Program

The challenge

In 2021, under the Nominal Insurer Improvement Program, icare set out to build a new Workers Compensation Claims Service Model (CSM) to make the claims process more customer-centric and uplift Return to Work rates for Injured workers. 

icare enlisted CEC to: 

  • Validate icare’s hypothesised customer design principles and needs
  • Conduct customer research to inform the redesign of the Claims Service Model

The situation

The approach

CEC conducted in-depth, exploratory interviews with injured workers, employers, industry groups, government agencies, and other key stakeholders across the ecosystem. 

CEC also conducted research with internal icare stakeholders to build a holistic understanding of needs and regulatory accountabilities and parameters. This research highlighted that, beyond insight into customer needs, icare required a holistic view of the CSM and a deeper understanding of how all elements, such as people, culture, processes and technology, needed to work together to deliver a customer-centric claims experience. 

The research

The findings

The solution

From the research, CEC developed CX infrastructure including:

  • Validated customer principles: Overarching principle feedback themes and principle definitions to support strategic alignment and guide decision-making throughout the Improvement Program, informed by the lived experience of injured workers and employers.
  • A Customer Needs Framework: A framework to help create a common language and consistent understanding of the needs of Injured Workers and Employers to inform future design.
  • Empathetic research insights: Detailed insights highlighting key opportunities to improve the experience of Injured Workers and Employers in the future CSM.

In addition, CEC provided icare with a model to guide the future Nominal Insurer Transformation underpinned by a unified view of the CSM. 

Throughout the project, CEC facilitated workshops with key stakeholders to educate and align the organisation on how to use this CX Infrastructure in the CSM redesign and ongoing BAU activities. 

The impact

The CX Infrastructure established is currently used by icare project teams in the planning and execution of the Nominal Insurer Improvement Program.​

We continued to work with icare to inform a Human-Centred Design-led approach to the 2026 Future State definition and design of the Workers Compensation Claims Experience.

"CEC are a trusted partner that complements our internal CX capability. From ethnographic research and creating artefacts that simplify complexity, to strategy canvases that help senior leadership teams identify true north, CEC have a passionate and dedicated team on hand to understand your business opportunities and create pragmatic, actionable recommendations. I have no hesitation in recommending CEC as a partner." – Matthew Prowse, General Manager Customer Experience, icare

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