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Three steps to embrace disruption

Quick and clever solutions are sometimes the best way to tackle business problems of all sizes

Published on
Jun 5, 2020
Audrey Pangilinan

Things have been a little crazy lately. With the reality of COVID-19 sinking in and the future still a bit foggy, albeit becoming clearer, we’ve all been forced to change how we live, work and interact with each other. It’s certainly been a challenge, however it also presents an opportunity to embrace disruption and start addressing those business issues you’ve always had, and always wanted to fix. Quoting Rahm Emanuel, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”, you now have an opportunity to do things you think you could not have done before.

Solving these problems can sometimes seem like a large mountain to climb, but by breaking it down into clear steps will make it easier to tackle. Case in point, in our recent work with a fast-moving consumer goods company we concepted 12 ready to implement solutions, in just 8 weeks, following these steps:

1. Take stock all projects

Identify what’s working and what’s not, align and remobilise. Facilitate business wide workshops, and map initiatives against their value to customer versus effort required to complete. This provides you with a holistic view of investment and helps focus on the most impactful problems.

2. Unpack key problems areas to identify root cause

Starting with the right problem is critical to developing the right solution. With key problems identified, and Voice of Customer feedback analysed, conduct internal stakeholder and empathetic customer research to get to the bottom of the issues.

3. Ideate potential solutions that are quick, doable and cost effective    

Knowing speed is key to success, research how other organisations and other industries solve similar problems in an innovative way, ensuring that the solution is viable and would not require a large amount of effort or resources to implement.

After 8 weeks this client was equipped with a set of 12 ready to implement initiatives to make it easier for customers to do business with them, and enhance their customer experience.  

During this time of crisis, where we’re all operating under strange conditions, it’s time to dig into those problems you know you have because they're still going to be there at the end of this crisis. The world will be different at the end of this, will you be?

Whether we can help you manage your customer or employee experience during this time of crisis, help you know where to focus, or simply to answer a question you may have, feel free to get in touch with us below.

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Raj Mendes
Founder & Managing Director
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