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Driving the adoption of a new ERP system through well designed change

We took a user-led approach to implementing the new ERP system, equipping DOI with employee insight and tools up front to drive adoption.

The challenge

The Department of Industry (DOI) was looking to roll out an upgraded version of SAP for over 6,500 users that enable their employees to manage their financial and HR tasks. As the previous SAP implementation had rolled out poorly, DOI engaged The Customer Experience Company (CEC) to provide advice on how they might improve usability of the system, and support the DOI team in department-wide engagement and change management effort.

The situation

The approach

The research

CEC took a human centred design approach to the change. We began by conducting contextual inquiries with a broad group of stakeholders, both those that use the service and those that were driving the change, to understand their wants, needs, current pain points and processes.

The findings

Through our research it became very clear that the SAP system was only a small part of what users actually required to complete their tasks, and 3 major gaps existed.

1. What was the purpose - users needed to understand the ‘why’ behind tasks and the upcoming change.

2. Building trust through knowledge - training that taught not only the system activities, but the responsibilities of each staff member.

3. Reinforcing the right culture and behaviour of managers to support the processes carried out by their teams.

The solution

CEC and the DOI project team formed a single collaborative team to roll out change activities.

The change activities were built around a set of common role archetypes and the typical journeys that these roles went through when using the SAP system. The research outputs provided insights as to functional desirability of the system and the training and support end users needed to build trust and adopt the new system and process changes.

Adoption Representatives within different Divisions were given communication tools, such as user journeys that highlighted major changes and impacts, and role archetypes showing different needs and levels of support, in order to provide support to their teams. These journeys were also used to to design the log in tiles that allowed different roles to find the tasks they needed to do their job quickly.

The impact

NSW Department of Industry
During migration between the two ERP systems, 94% of users completed their timesheet on the right day. The implementation increased adoption and uplifted usability scores by 10% compared to the original ERP system.

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