Webinar: Does Customer Experience still matter in a COVID-19 crisis?
Hear from industry experts on the topic of customer experience in a crisis
The COVID-19 crisis has forced businesses across all industries to rapidly adapt to change and implement digital technologies quickly. So, we asked the question, ‘Does CX still matter in a COVID-19 crisis driven world?’ to three leading industry experts:
Rowena Westphalen, Vice President, Innovation, Asia Pacific at Salesforce
Paul Stevenson, Customer Experience Director at Lion, and
Ken Raley, Director of Innovation at CEC.
The answer was simple, yes customer experience matters more now than ever before, and the connection between employee experience and customer experience is especially critical. A lot of employees across all industries have experienced displacement due to the COVID-19 crisis, impacting the way organisations operate and engage with customers.
“You can’t give your customers an optimal experience if you haven’t given your employees an optimal experience”
- Rowena Westphalen
The COVID-19 crisis has caused a lot of disruption for a lot of industries, but it has also opened up a lot of opportunities, and organisations can look at this new virtual environment and the possibilities that this has opened up.
“It’s not just about ‘reopening’ your business (for lack of a better term), it’s about reinventing and taking advantage of the possibilities that this has opened up and pivot”
- Rowena Westphalen
A lot of retailers for example have rushed to offer services such as click and collect, and delivery that previously weren’t part of their business model, but the introduction of these services hasn’t worked out well for everyone.
“If you’re going to offer new capabilities as a business you need to be sure you can fulfill on them, because if you can’t that can cause a lot of pain for a brand”
- Ken Raley
The world is going to be different after the crisis, and organisations need to adapt to the technologies available, know what’s out there, and know how to use them well.
“We have a responsibility to be better, and quicker, and use technologies to still do the things we did before, but not become obsessed with old ways”
- Ken Raley
Watch the replay below hosted by Shane Olivo.